Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Texas institutes free love for everyone

News 8 Austin | 24 Hour Local News | TOP STORIES | Prop 2 passes statewide, Travis County an exception

Gay fellow Texans, you are now officially second-class citizens. But meanwhile, according to the ballot language, neither the state nor any political subdivision thereof may create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to the union of one man and one woman. Free love for everyone!

The right has pushed gay marriage as a honeypot issue for progressives, one we can't ignore (because it's a question of principle) but also can't win (because the straight public still isn't ready to accept gays as equals). And even if the right had miscalculated and Prop 2 had actually been voted down, there's little risk in it for them since there's little effect on their paymasters' true economic interests. A perfect weapon of mass distraction.

Where's the progressive honeypot issue? Something environmental? Something related to civil rights violations by employers?


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